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MSP430 Microcontroller Engineering Guide: Getting Started

by Tomislav N. Krnich, B.Sc. in Physics

Publish Date: August, 2022

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"I wished a book like this was available when I began learning how to write a program for the MSP430, since there was none like it, and there still isn’t one like it! It focuses on all the code development details which I need to know for writing a commercial-grade program for this remarkable microcontroller." - The Author.

New to the MSP430 microcontroller? This book is your perfect starting point! It covers everything you need to understand about how the MSP430 works and how to program it. Designed as both a teaching guide and a handy reference, it's an essential resource you'll want close by. Written for hobbyists, non-engineers, and engineers alike, this book offers a practical, straightforward introduction to the MSP430, making it the go-to guide for anyone eager to learn.

$134.30 USD

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This is a book about the basic knowledge you need to have for developing programs for the MSP430. It is written in a bright, clear, and down-to-earth language for hobbyists, inventors, technicians, engineers, and product managers. It begins with presenting the MSP430’s basic set of systems, their purposes, and how it starts, runs, goes to sleep, interrupted from sleep, performs work, and then goes back to sleep. Focus is on code and program development: accessing registers, the basic approach for developing a program, a programming reference model for getting oriented, the two basic patterns of program development, the most common programming routines and practices, the various types of input interruption signals which tell this microcontroller which interrupt service routine to use for carrying out work and producing output signals, and how to write the code for those routines. It is fully illustrated, indexed, and presents numerous programming examples. Included are many helpful tips. Ideal for self-paced, individualized learning. All examples are written in the C Programming Language.

ISBN 978-0-9985736-0-1

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